Friday, September 15, 2006

Congressman Faces Up to 27 Months in Prison

By now, we all know that Representative Bob Ney, Republican of Ohio, has pleaded guilty to two federal criminal charges related to his dirty dealings with the nefarious Jack Abramoff. “The (plea) agreement will enable me to accept responsibility for what I have done," said Mr. Ney in a statement, "(and) to start repairing the damage I have caused and to start healing my family.” He also admitted that alcohol dependency had impaired his judgment, but I saw this all coming a long time ago. I have an audio tape of a conversation Jack and I had at the Round Robin Bar on Pennsylvania Ave. NW on June 9, 2003, recorded with the reel-to-reel I always carry in my briefcase, that occurred after Bob Ney excused himself to the restroom for the fifth time. I said, and I quote: "Jack, I'm telling you, that (sic) guy's got a drinking problem... he('s) not right in (the) head... it's (sic) falling down around him... definitely going to jail." Vindicated.


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