Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hm, So This Is What It Feels Like to Break the Digital Millenium Copyright Act

By now, we all know that's getting dug - a grave! All for posting this one little number: 09-f9-11-02- 9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5- 63-56-88-c0. The site is best known as the Consumer Reports for blogs, but recently, they find themselves embroiled in a lot of hoopla over not removing an HD DVD protection encryption code from their site. The code had been leaked and posted on various Web sites. But then the Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator sicked their lawyers on the sites. and suddenly it became a Digg-worthy story. Some loser even wrote a song about it and posted himself singing it on YouTube. Personally, I couldn't care less about the AACS. I don't even know what they do, but I'll tell you this: I sure do love committing anonymous crimes. That code is now on our blog, you see. It's just sitting there, and there's nothing I can do about it anymore.

The crime has been committed. It's done. Whew. Wow, I feel sort of tingly. Like, my hands are clammy. Gosh, I've never done anything like this before. You know, it's like those murderers you read about in People magazine. They aren't murderers every day of their lives. They spent most of their lives going to school, going to work, eating, going to the bathroom, then bam, they murder somebody, and suddenly, they're a "murderer." It's just like that. There's no going back. It doesn't matter what I've accomplished in my life thus far. It doesn't matter what good I've done, or how much I've loved. I will now and forever be a violator of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. My path is set. Now all I have to do is sit around and wait for the cease-and-desist letters to start rolling in. Please address them to: 555 Vindicated Manor, Vicate City, North Vindikota. In the greeting you may call me: Mr. Pleasedon't Reallyarrestme. And mark that letter: Re: Vindicated.