Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sudan's Government Says Genocide is a "Misunderstanding"

By now, only the whitest of bigots doesn't know that the Darfur genocide is a myth. I'm so tired of racist Americans thinking that Africa is one giant hot-bed of mayhem. Sudan's junior foreign minister just said today that the whole thing is a myth perpetuated by 2 million vindictive refugees. But all these "civilized" peace-niks just can't accept that, just like they can't accept that the Sudanese people don't live in trees anymore. Hello, it's a desert! They don't have trees! Sudan is no less civilized than your own plantation lawn, so put down your candles and get back to burning those crosses, like you know you want to do. Seriously, I can't tell you how many times I've said, "just ignore it, folks, it's not true." But you racist protesters have a different agenda, I guess. I mean, this thing has supposedly been going on for three years. Three years? Do you really think the U.N. would allow such senseless brutality to go on for so long? Please. Vindicated.


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