Saturday, September 30, 2006

G.O.P. Leader Holds Private Caucus With Child

By now, which nubile young stud who hangs around the halls of congress hasn't received a suggestive email from Mark Foley? When a G.O.P. leader takes you to his hotel room and tells you "this never happened," the least you can expect is one last bawdy email reminding you of that one glorious night in paradise. I learned this three years ago, a week after my fourteenth birthday, when Dennis Hastert walked down those marble steps and gave me the old stink-eye. I met him at the Banana Cafe, we had a lovely evening, and the next morning, all I wanted was a little token of appreciation from And that's exactly what I got. God bless you, Dennis Hastert. And to Mark Foley: sir, you are a scoundrel. I move to be vindicated.


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